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Simpllo - UI Presentation

The product uses a simple and intuitive interface divided into containers:

  • ✅ The Navigation Bar used to control the project (Clear, Preview, Download, and Deploy)
  • ✅ Builder, Left Panel where all the available components exist grouped in categories
  • ✅ The Center Area is used to edit the pages and interact with the components
  • ✅ Builder, Right Panel shows the properties for active components and Page Globals

Simpllo, free Website Builder - The UI Structure

This simple structure allows to drag & drop components from the LEFT Sidebar into the center area where the content is created.

Once a component is dropped in the editor, the user can change the position in the view, customize the appearence of any element and preview the changes.

✅ LEFT Panel - Components

The sidebar uses a collapsable structure where the components are grouped in categories:

  • Grids: for layout control
  • Navigation bars
  • Common elements like buttons and alerts
  • Cards
  • Footers
  • Contact forms

Simpllo, free Website Builder - UI Components

✅ Center Area - Page Edits

In the center area of the builder, the user can interact with the content by changing the position, adding and deleting components, and changing the styling for each element.

The active component is highlighted using a dotted border and the RIGHT panel automatically shows all editable properties.

Simpllo, free Website Builder - Editor Area


This free tool allows anyone to build and customize simple websites and landing pages and later download and even deploy LIVE the product.

For getting in touch with the team or access more resources, please use the links provided below.

Sticky video
